Weekly Asphalt Headlines

IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast racks steady in most markets—minor slippage in a few locations.
  • Wholesale prices on the East Coast mostly unchanged—some…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast racks declined in many areas this week.
  • Some East Coast wholesale price ranges declined or narrowed this week.
  • Midwest…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast racks mostly steady – with reports of some lower prices offered in a few areas.
  • Midwest wholesale barge…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast retail prices reported no price changes this week – assessments steady.
  • Midwest wholesale prices ease—prices assessed lower on…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast retail prices mostly steady this week – ease in western Pennsylvania.
  • Midwest wholesale prices for base paving grade…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast rack prices mostly unchanged; however, New England prices assessed higher.
  • Midwest wholesale markets were active – prices firm…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast retail prices increase up to $30 per ST.
  • Midwest wholesale markets were busy this week, and prices were…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast retail prices remain mostly unchanged.
  • Prices for roofing flux delivered into northeastern markets reported at higher levels.
  • Midwest wholesale…
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