Tanker Opinions

Poten & Partners tanker research and consulting group monitors and analyzes tanker market and energy developments around the world and advises companies on strategy development and implementation. Below you will find our team’s Weekly Tanker Opinions. To subscribe, click here.

IT Admin

Changing Almost in a Blink

IT Admin
As the Obama Administration continues to rev its policy engines, sacred cows of many self-interest groups may become road-kill…
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In The Year of the Ox

IT Admin
Thank you to everyone who participated in our survey in the January 9, 2009 Weekly Tanker Opinion: Your Opinion….
IT Admin

And The Winner Is…

IT Admin
Trade in all sorts of clean petroleum products during 2008 seemed vigorous on the spot market. Although the volume…
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Your Opinion

IT Admin
Welcome to Poten’s first interactive Weekly Tanker Opinion. Several critical issues are already on the radar for the coming…
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Above The Average

IT Admin
The long-term health of the tanker market in general is driven by underlying fundamentals such as demand for crude…
IT Admin

Two To Contango

IT Admin
The continued decline in the price of crude oil has created opportunities for market players. Crude oil forward price…
IT Admin

Maintaining Orders

IT Admin
The credit crisis has created a great deal of speculation about the actual deliverability of the worldwide shipping orderbook. While…
IT Admin

The Waiting Game

IT Admin
The combination of general uncertainty and little activity in the sale and purchase…
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