Tanker Opinions

Poten & Partners tanker research and consulting group monitors and analyzes tanker market and energy developments around the world and advises companies on strategy development and implementation. Below you will find our team’s Weekly Tanker Opinions. To subscribe, click here.

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A Fistful of Barrels

IT Admin
Estimating the holdings of unseen petroleum reservoirs – especially those located deep beneath the seabed – is a daunting…
IT Admin

Testing the Limits

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For now it seems for some owners the rosy days of 2008 when earnings reached unprecedented highs are just…
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Trading Up?

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The G‐20 met this week in London to address key topics facing the global economic structure maintaining the theme…
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In For the Long-Haul

IT Admin
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will hold their 152nd meeting in Vienna, Austria on Sunday to discuss…
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Shape Up and Ship Out

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Since the emergence of moving goods by sea, men and women willing to forego a stationary, shore‐side occupation have made the walk up ship gangways around the world, playing a pivotal role in the past, present and future of globalization.  It is pretty much universally agreed that the lifestyle is not for the faint of heart. Download here 
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Chicken Little

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With the contraction of the global economy, the question on the minds of many is how it will affect…
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