Tanker Opinions

Poten & Partners tanker research and consulting group monitors and analyzes tanker market and energy developments around the world and advises companies on strategy development and implementation. Below you will find our team’s Weekly Tanker Opinions. To subscribe, click here.

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The Roaring 00’s

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As a painful year draws to a close, it is worth remembering that the end of 2009 also caps…
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Stocking Slippage

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This time last year, the tanker market found itself partially insulated from the pressures being felt in other shipping…
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Talking Turkey

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For many in the tanker industry, 2009 has been a tough year. Shipowners and charterers alike can commiserate about…
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Already in Ship Shape

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Late last month, a malfunctioning valve on the barge supplying a product tanker reportedly caused it to spill between…
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Leveraging Flat Rates

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Each year, the Worldscale Association adjusts the flat rates which serve as the starting point for negotiating the cost…
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Trick or Treat?

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As the Halloween holiday comes creeping in, many shipowners find themselves wondering if the next few weeks will bring…
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Barrels Bound East

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The rapid growth of China’s oil demand has forced a transition from self-sufficiency enjoyed in the early 1990s toward…
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Polar Express

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Last month, retreating sea ice allowed two multipurpose heavy‐lift project carriers to complete a…
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