Tanker Opinions

Poten & Partners tanker research and consulting group monitors and analyzes tanker market and energy developments around the world and advises companies on strategy development and implementation. Below you will find our team’s Weekly Tanker Opinions. To subscribe, click here.

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Made in China

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It is difficult to deny the severe tanker oversupply situation. Worldwide oil demand has recovered globally surpassing its 2007…
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To Some Avail

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The pre-Halloween snow storm on the US Atlantic coast and the impending winter weather in the northern hemisphere are…
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Tanker Prospects 2012-2016

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The past year has been characterized by much pessimism. Freight rates have remained well below breakeven levels for many…
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Bears in the China Shop

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Recent figures indicating a cooling of Chinese growth have generated fresh concern over the health of the global economy….
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How Low Can You Go?

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September marks the end of a particularly brutal summer. Assessed earnings on the Arabian Gulf to Far East benchmark…
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Syria of Events

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The violent response of Syrian leader Bashar al Assad to the ongoing pro-democracy protests since March of this year…
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With a Rebel Yell

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Newspaper headlines have been screaming the conquest of Tripoli, and by all measures it appears that it is just…
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