Tanker Opinions

Poten & Partners tanker research and consulting group monitors and analyzes tanker market and energy developments around the world and advises companies on strategy development and implementation. Below you will find our team’s Weekly Tanker Opinions. To subscribe, click here.

Erik Broekhuizen

Club Med

Erik Broekhuizen
18 Nov 2016: Like the Caribbean and the North Sea, the Mediterranean is a well-known shipping region with significant…
Erik Broekhuizen

Retirement Planning

Erik Broekhuizen
11 Nov 2016: The age profile of the tanker fleet gives owners reason for concern. The orderbook for delivery…
Erik Broekhuizen

Change Is In The Air

Erik Broekhuizen
4 Nov 2016: Last week, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) decided on the timing of the sulphur emissions cap…
Erik Broekhuizen

From Russia With Love

Erik Broekhuizen
28 Oct 2016:  Russia has been an important player in the energy markets for many years. If anybody needed…
Erik Broekhuizen

Tiger In The Tanker

Erik Broekhuizen
21 Oct 2016: Over much of the last decade, China has been the engine of oil demand growth as…
Erik Broekhuizen

Outside the Club

Erik Broekhuizen
14 Oct 2016: Over the last couple of weeks, the focus of the energy world has shifted back to…
Erik Broekhuizen

Caribbean Balancing Act

Erik Broekhuizen
7 Oct 2016: In recent weeks, two VLCCs have loaded U.S. crude in the U.S. Gulf and both of…
Erik Broekhuizen

OPEC Cuts A Deal

Erik Broekhuizen
30 Sep 2016: OPEC has recaptured the spotlight in recent days with their announcement that they plan to reduce…
Erik Broekhuizen

To Fit Or Retrofit

Erik Broekhuizen
16 Sep 2016: Almost three months after the inauguration of the new locks of the Panama Canal we will…
Erik Broekhuizen

Over The Finnish Line

Erik Broekhuizen
9 Sep 2016:  Earlier this week, Finland ratified the IMO’s Ballast Water Management Convention (BWMC), raising the percentage of…
Erik Broekhuizen

Another BRIC Hits A Wall?

Erik Broekhuizen
2 Sep 2016:  Brazil stays in the spotlight. The Rio Olympics were successfully concluded on August 21. Ten days…
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