Tanker Opinions

Poten & Partners tanker research and consulting group monitors and analyzes tanker market and energy developments around the world and advises companies on strategy development and implementation. Below you will find our team’s Weekly Tanker Opinions. To subscribe, click here.

Abdullah Alazzaz

It’s Lonely At The Top

Abdullah Alazzaz

In the latest ranking of the largest dirty spot charterers we observe some small changes.  Not at the top,…

Abdullah Alazzaz

Repositioning “Empties”

Abdullah Alazzaz

14 December 2018: One of the challenges in the container shipping industry is the need to reposition empty containers (“empties”)…

Erik Broekhuizen

A Deal Is Done

Erik Broekhuizen

7 Dec 2018; 

It is December and another OPEC production cut is around the corner.  The latest reports from Vienna…

Erik Broekhuizen

More (Or Less) To The Med

Erik Broekhuizen

16 Nov 2018; On Friday, 16 November 2018, the Government of Iraq restarted exports of Kirkuk crude oil through the…

Abdullah Alazzaz

A North Sea Renaissance?

Abdullah Alazzaz

11 November 2018: On Thursday, an Aframax crude oil tanker and a Norwegian navy frigate collided off Norway’s west…

Abdullah Alazzaz

Here We Go Again

Abdullah Alazzaz

11 November 2018: One of the most anticipated events in the oil and tanker market will go into effect on…

Abdullah Alazzaz

Backyard Barrels

Abdullah Alazzaz

26 October 2018: 

Sometimes things just work out.  Until 2006, the United States was a significant (and growing) net importer…

Erik Broekhuizen

Tanker Rate Swings

Erik Broekhuizen

19 Oct 2018; 

VLCC rates on the benchmark TD3c (Ras Tanura – Ningbo) averaged around $16,500 per day during September. …

Abdullah Alazzaz

OPEC’s Bunker Boost

Abdullah Alazzaz

28 Sept 2018: Last weekend, OPEC published its annual long-term World Oil Outlook, which forecasts global oil demand through…

Erik Broekhuizen

That Sinking Feeling

Erik Broekhuizen

21 Sep 2018; 

On May 8, President Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal.  After a grace…

Erik Broekhuizen

Railway To Heaven

Erik Broekhuizen

14 Sep 2018; 

Large oceangoing tankers are generally considered the most cost-efficient way to move crude oil over long distances…

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