WBG To Fund LNG Despite Upstream Oil, Gas Exit
Despite announcing that as of 2019 it will no longer make investments in upstream oil and…
Despite announcing that as of 2019 it will no longer make investments in upstream oil and…
Collapse in LNG contract lengths and volumes raises future supply concerns
A dramatic acceleration of a trend toward smaller…New projects in Russia, the US and Cameroon were expected to start up during the final…
Events in Ukraine and the state of the global economy will likely determine…
The market dynamics that have helped boost U.S. LNG export projects since the…
Jason Feer, global head of business intelligence at shipbroker Poten & Partners, agrees…
Libya does not seem to be able to catch a break. The regime of Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown in…
23 Jan 2020:
The coronavirus outbreak, which started in the city of Wuhan in China, has spread across several countries…
17 Jan 2020:
On Wednesday, January 15, the U.S. and China signed a “phase 1” trade deal, officially called…
16 Oct 2020
” East Coast retail flux and asphalt retail price ranges are lower in many areas.
9 Oct 2020
” East Coast retail flux and asphalt retail price ranges are unchanged for this week.
2 Oct 2020
” East Coast retail flux and asphalt retail price ranges remain steady for this week.