India’s state-owned GAIL has finalized renegotiations with Russia’s Gazprom over a 20-year, 2.5-MMt/y long-term deal on…
Asian buyers are turning to upward quantity tolerance (UQT) and 2018 annual delivery programs (ADP) to…
Still, Poten & Partners consultant Majed Limam said the global gas market will…
European LPG imports are expected to rise with potential demand coming from…
As broker Poten & Partners recently pointed out, it is not just that…
April 3, 2020
Floating storage on product tankers is on the rise
In the last few weeks, since the collapse of…
March 20, 2020
Floating storage can provide a temporary boost to tankers
Two weeks ago, the OPEC+ deal fell apart and…
March 13 2020
Tanker fixtures jump as producers prime the pump
We are near the end of another week of almost…
18 Dec 2020
” Asphalt and flux retail prices were mostly flat in East Coast, with some ranges tightening.
11 Dec 2020
” Asphalt and flux retail prices were mostly steady in East Coast, with some areas firming.
4 Dec 2020
” Asphalt and flux retail prices were unchanged in East Coast markets this week.
” East…