LNG Market Outlook: Risk for longer downturn coming into focus
LNG Market Outlook
May 2020
The current forecast is for LNG demand in 2020 to be 6.7 MMt lower than in…
LNG Market Outlook
May 2020
The current forecast is for LNG demand in 2020 to be 6.7 MMt lower than in…
LNG Finance in World Markets
March 2020
LNG funding activity jumped to a three-year high in 2019 after a sluggish 2018…
LNG in Market Outlook
April 2020
Due to the ongoing impact of the global Covid-19 pandemic and the lockdown of major…
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine almost a year ago saw tanker tonne-miles on the…
Analysis by Poten & Partners showed LNG imports to China declined by 20%…
New York-based shipbroker Poten & Partners has warned that less than 30% of…