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IT Admin

LNGgc Americas

IT Admin
Houston July 23 – 23, 2015 Hilton Houston Greenway Plaza, 6 Greenway Plaza East Shaping the future of US LNG exports….

Tanker Opinions

Jessica Lampi

The End Of The Line(s)

Jessica Lampi

January 22, 2021

The Keystone XL Pipeline is cancelled (again)

One of the first executive actions of President Biden was to…

Erik Broekhuizen

Winter Doldrums

Erik Broekhuizen

January 15, 2021

2021 starts with poor tanker rates across the board

2021 is not off to a great start. Usually,…

LNG & Natural Gas Opinions

Weekly Asphalt Headlines

Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
18 Jun 2021
  • Retail asphalt pricing firmed in New England and was flat elsewhere on the East Coast.
  • Retail…
Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
11 Jun 2021
  • Retail asphalt and flux pricing ranges were mostly stable on the East Coast this week.
  • East…
Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
4 June 2021
  • Paving activity resumed in the U.S. following the long Memorial Day holiday weekend.
  • Retail asphalt pricing…
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