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Tanker Opinions

IT Admin

Testing the Limits

IT Admin
For now it seems for some owners the rosy days of 2008 when earnings reached unprecedented highs are just…
IT Admin

Trading Up?

IT Admin
The G‐20 met this week in London to address key topics facing the global economic structure maintaining the theme…

LNG & Natural Gas Opinions

Weekly Asphalt Headlines

IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • Frigid conditions and snow in much of the US and Canada virtually stop rack activity.
  • East Coast markets remained stable,…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • New England market prices assessed significantly lower this week.
  • Other US markets remain steady or slip further in price at…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • Asphalt Institute meeting in Tucson, Arizona was well attended.
  • Infrastructure to be a priority for new US Administration.
  • December asphalt price…
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