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Tanker Opinions

IT Admin

Up Against the Wall

IT Admin
Last month, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued its response to a March 2009 petition from a group…
IT Admin

Seeking The Spike

IT Admin
Some slight upward rate pressure has been felt in the VLCC market in the early part of this week,…

LNG & Natural Gas Opinions

Weekly Asphalt Headlines

IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast retail and wholesale assessments steadfast.
  • Midwest retail prices mostly steady, but wholesale markets firm.
  • Gulf Coast retail and wholesale…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • Sharply rising oil prices drive costs higher for refiners this week.
  • East Coast retail markets are mostly steady, with some…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast retail and wholesale asphalt cement prices mostly steady.
  • Gulf Coast has some lower ranges in the Texas market…
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