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Tanker Opinions

IT Admin

Bears in the China Shop

IT Admin
Recent figures indicating a cooling of Chinese growth have generated fresh concern over the health of the global economy….

LNG & Natural Gas Opinions

Weekly Asphalt Headlines

IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast retail asphalt prices were mostly steady this pre-holiday week..
  • East Coast wholesale asphalt markets were quiet.
  • Midwest retail prices…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast retail asphalt price ranges move lower or narrower in many areas.
  • East Coast wholesale asphalt markets active: assessments…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast retail asphalt price ranges mostly unchanged – some wider or narrower ranges.
  • Some East Coast wholesale asphalt price…
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