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Tanker Opinions

IT Admin

After the Stock Build

IT Admin
In this week’s Petroleum Status Report, the US Energy Intelligence Agency (EIA) reported that US commercial crude inventories rose…
IT Admin

Zombie Refineries

IT Admin
Theeey’re baaack. Atlantic Basin refineries that the market had relegated to the graveyard of unfit plants in an expanding…

LNG & Natural Gas Opinions

Weekly Asphalt Headlines

IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • This issue and next week’s are abbrev. for Holidays. Price tables has limited text. Regular format returns in 2013.
  • East…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • East Coast retail asphalt prices mostly steady – slips lower in some mid-Atlantic areas.
  • Wholesale asphalt prices go lower on…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

IT Admin
  • The Asphalt Institute held its annual winter meeting December 5-7, in Carlsbad, California, with record attendance noted.
  • East Coast retail…
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