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Tanker Opinions

IT Admin

Spring Break for MRs?

IT Admin
20 Mar 2015: Is the strength in the MR market sustainable? Several years ago, the general thought seemed to be…

LNG & Natural Gas Opinions

Weekly Asphalt Headlines

Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
22 Jan 2016
  • Some retail asphalt markets on the East Coast decline or narrow, with flux pricing steadfast.
  • East Coast wholesale…
Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
15 Jan 2016
  • Some retail asphalt markets on the East Coast had price declines, with flux pricing flat.
  • East Coast wholesale…
Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
08 Jan 2016
  • Retail markets on the East Coast had some price slippage in both asphalt and flux pricing.
  • East Coast…
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