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Tanker Opinions

Erik Broekhuizen

Halftime Report

Erik Broekhuizen
8 Jul 2016: It is that time of the year again. We just passed the mid-year point for 2016…
Erik Broekhuizen

Out of Sync

Erik Broekhuizen
1 Jul 2016:  Some days ago we received a request to look into the relationship between tanker rates and…

LNG & Natural Gas Opinions

Weekly Asphalt Headlines

Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
12 May 2017
  • East Coast retail asphalt and flux prices mostly steady, with firmer prices in some FL areas.
Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
05 May 2017
  • East Coast retail asphalt prices mixed, with flux prices firming in many areas
  • East Coast wholesale…
Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
28 Apr 2017
  • East Coast retail asphalt and flux prices remain unchanged this week.
  • East Coast wholesale price assessments…
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