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Tanker Opinions

Erik Broekhuizen

Asia First

Erik Broekhuizen
12 May 2017:  In recent weeks and months, various equity analysts and executives of publicly listed tanker companies have…
Erik Broekhuizen

The Biggest Losers

Erik Broekhuizen
5 May 2017:  It is usually more pleasant to write about growing business prospects and new trade routes, but…
Erik Broekhuizen

Rock versus Sand

Erik Broekhuizen
28 Apr 2017:  American shale is back.  Production is going from strength to strength on the back of increased…

LNG & Natural Gas Opinions

Weekly Asphalt Headlines

Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
02 Mar 2018
  • East Coast asphalt prices mostly flat, with Florida prices firming- flux retail prices unmoved.
  • Wholesale barge…
Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
23 Feb 2018
  • East Coast asphalt prices firm in much of the region, with flux pricing status quo this…
Seyma Tul

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

Seyma Tul
16 Feb 2018
  • National Asphalt Paving Association’s Annual Meeting was well attended in San Diego.
  • East Coast asphalt prices…
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