Crude Oil & Refined Products

Transportation of Crude Oil & Refined Products

It is impossible to imagine the modern industrialized civilization without oil. Crude oil and refined petroleum products (such as gasoline, jet fuel and diesel) are some of the most widely used and traded commodities in the world. The petroleum industry is involved in the exploration, extraction, refining and marketing and transporting of these commodities worldwide. Today, oil remains the largest primary energy source in the world, ahead of coal and natural gas.

The tanker industry is a truly global business, which provides a critical logistical service to the petroleum industry. Significant volumes of crude oil and refined petroleum products are shipped across the oceans from producers to consumers on crude oil and product tankers. Worldwide trading patterns continue to shift as refineries source crude oil, both conventional and unconventional from a variety of countries.

As countries continuously look to establish new sources for both imports and exports the distribution network becomes increasingly complex. Regional supply and demand imbalances impact product prices and may result in arbitrage opportunities for market participants. Tankers are providing the necessary flexibility to oil companies and traders to meet program requirements and capture arbitrage opportunities.

Tanker Brokerage and Sale & Purchase

Poten’s tanker brokers are active throughout all vessel segments from US Flag barges through various size product tankers to Very Large Crude Carriers. Our worldwide team of professionals covers the market and continuously provides clients with global intelligence on the transportation of crude oil and petroleum products. Our brokers can arrange spot and term charters as well as develop contracts of affreightment according to clients’ specific requirements. Our brokers have extensive experience in tanker sale and purchase, including fleet sales, lease and charterback transactions and transportation finance. Our real-time market information gives our clients timely advice on short and long-term trends, critical for vessel acquisition decisions. Poten & Partners also brokers sale and purchase transactions and negotiates newbuilding contracts on behalf of clients.

Tanker Research and Consulting

The Poten & Partners Tanker Research and Consulting group monitors and analyzes tanker market and energy developments around the world and advises companies on strategy development and implementation.

Our team assists companies in the development of marine transportation strategies, downstream project analysis and tanker market outlooks. Combining extensive industry experience with leading market intelligence we are able to deliver in-depth studies and effective recommendations. With backgrounds in marine transportation planning, finance and economics, our consultants are uniquely positioned to develop short and long-term studies for clean product and crude tankers as well as specialized analyses on the regulatory changes impacting tanker owners, oil companies, traders and other industry participants.

In addition, our team is frequently called upon to prepare pricing analyses, global supply and demand projections, and tailored market analyses for leading energy companies and major world governments.

Our services include:

  • Market analysis, long and short term forecasting and special studies in industry trends
  • Rate & Price outlooks for each of the crude oil and product tanker segments
  • Regional analysis of trade volumes, commodity supply and demand trends, pricing and contracts
  • Historical rate & price assessments
  • Detailed analysis of reported spot fixtures by region and vessel segment

Tanker chartering strategy development and implementation

Our Weekly Tanker Opinion is published every Friday. If you wish to receive the free Weekly Tanker Opinion please fill out the form below. 


Erik Broekhuizen, Head of Tanker Research, shares his latest views on the market.   

We look forward to sharing our market viewpoints with you.

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