On Deand Webinar: Southeast Asia: Will LNG Import Growth Take Off in 2023 and Beyond? | June 21
Join Poten’s LNG webinar series as Asia-Pacific senior LNG analyst, Irwin Yeo explores Southeast Asian LNG market dynamics and potential.
Topics we’ll address include:
• Regional overview: Southeast Asia LNG demand projections, import terminal infrastructure updates, LNG SPAs
• Market potential: Southeast Asian imports, opportunities for small-scale reloads/break-bulk, storage plays, LNG bunkering and other services
• External headwinds and tailwinds: Opportunities and challenges from beyond Southeast Asian shores
• Country-specific analysis:
- Malaysia and Indonesia – Net exporters with no urgent need for imports at current prices. When will this change?
- Singapore – LNG hub status to facilitate reloads, bunkering and other ancillary services
- Myanmar – Domestic woes derail LNG import plans
- Vietnam – Kickstarting imports, though challenges remain
- Philippines – Pushing for LNG imports as domestic gas supplies dwindle
- Thailand – Market liberalization to lift LNG demand
9 AM Houston | 10 AM New York | 3 PM London | 5 PM Athens/Doha | 6 PM Dubai | 10 PM Perth/Singapore
Presented by:
Irwin Yeo, Senior LNG Analyst, Poten & Partners