The (Mostly) Predictable Parade

Jan 3rd, 2025: Top Reported Dirty Spot Charterers for 2024* Relative to last year, there are a few changes in our annual rankings for 2024. While Unipec remained on top, its reported cargo volumes and market share dropped slightly for the second year running, illustrating a softening economy and a slowdown in Chinese oil demand growth. Another notable change was the entry of Polish charterer PKN Orlen in the top 20 (at #16) for the first time as it diversifies its crude oil supplies away from pipelined Russian barrels to seaborne crude from the Middle East and the North Sea, among others. On a global basis, both Cargo volumes (+0.8%) and the number of Fixtures (+2.3%) were up in 2024 versus 2023. Please fill in below form to continue read.
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