LNG in World Markets: Traders and Aggregators Dominated Global Contracting as Buyers and Sellers in 2020
LNG in World Markets
January 2021
Traders and aggregators continued their dominance of global LNG markets, participating in deals totaling more…
LNG in World Markets: Carbon Neutral LNG Offerings Emerge as Competitive Advantage
LNG in World Markets
August 2020
LNG sellers are preparing proposals for carbon-neutral LNG supply as more buyers are committing to…
LNG in World Markets: Asia Flat as Heaviest US Cancellation Month Firms Atlantic
LNG in World Markets
June 2020
Asian spot price continued to trade sideways at low-$2s/MMBtu for second-half July…
LNG in World Markets: Russia and Saudi Arabia: Is US LNG the Next Target?
LNG in World Markets
16 March 2020
This special update includes analysis of the possible threat US LNG producers and…
LNG in World Markets: Force Majeure Threat Exacerbates LNG Market
LNG in World Markets
7 February 2020
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak in China is growing with Chinese importers…