LNG in World Markets: Carbon Neutral LNG Offerings Emerge as Competitive Advantage
LNG in World Markets
August 2020
LNG sellers are preparing proposals for carbon-neutral LNG supply as more buyers are committing to…
LNG in World Markets: Asia Flat as Heaviest US Cancellation Month Firms Atlantic
LNG in World Markets
June 2020
Asian spot price continued to trade sideways at low-$2s/MMBtu for second-half July…
LNG in World Markets: Russia and Saudi Arabia: Is US LNG the Next Target?
LNG in World Markets
16 March 2020
This special update includes analysis of the possible threat US LNG producers and…
LNG in World Markets: Force Majeure Threat Exacerbates LNG Market
LNG in World Markets
7 February 2020
The impact of the coronavirus outbreak in China is growing with Chinese importers…