Seatrade Maritime News: Sushi, tanker pools, and LNG
22 June 2017: “With Golar boasting the tagline “From shipping company to provider of electricity well to wire”, Troim provided a much needed perspective on a round of earlier presentations, from Poten & Partners, GasLog, FlexLNG (also in the Fredriksen sphere), Hoegh LNG, and Tellurian- building a LNG Liquefaction facility near Cameron, Louisiana in the US Gulf.”
“The presentations noted that supply of LNG is set to rise dramatically as “LNG becomes a growing strategic component of the global clean energy future”, in the words of Poten presenter Jefferson Clarke. Clarke noted that, as worldwide LNG trade grows by 24%, over the next five years to around a base case of 370m tons loaded on vessels, “exceeding the projected fleet growth.””
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