Platts: Tankers: China’s UNIPEC Again Tops As Dirty Tanker Charterer In 2015 — Report

12 Jan 2016: “China’s Unipec maintained its position as top charterer of dirty tankers in 2015 accounting for 13.4% of total fixtures in the market, ship-brokers Poten & Partners said in a report released late last week. “‘Nobody would be surprised to see that Unipec remained the largest dirty spot charterer in 2015, a position [it is] unlikely to lose anytime soon, despite slowing oil demand growth in China,’ the report added. “There were a total of 10,050 spot dirty tanker fixtures in 2015 to move 1,257 million mt of cargo, the report said. “‘In the VLCC segment, Unipec continues to be the dominant charterer with 511 reported fixtures, more than four times the second largest player in the segment,’ the report said.”
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