Platts: China’s Unipec Remains Top Charterer Of Dirty Tankers in H1: Report

11 July 2016: “China’s Unipec maintained its position as top charterer of dirty tankers in half way through 2016, accounting for 13.8% of total reported fixtures in the market, ship-brokers Poten & Partners said in a report issued last Friday. “‘Unipec is still on top and even expanded its lead slightly (from 13.4% of the total in 2015 to 13.8% in 2016 YTD). Not surprisingly, the leading charterers hail from China (Unipec, PetroChina), India (IOC, Reliance), complemented by the super majors and leading traders,’ the report added. “”‘n the VLCC segment, Unipec continues to be the dominant charterer with 258 reported fixtures, equivalent to the volume of the next five largest combined,’ the report said.”
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