On-demand Webinar: The Growing Sophistication of Latin America’s LNG Market |May 15

Daniella Green
Latin America is rich in natural resources, but the distribution and consumption of natural gas in the region remains uneven. Expanding economies and the growing demand for cleaner sources of power are boosting natural gas consumption in the region. While the US has been a major supplier of LNG to the region, the Biden administration’s decision to pause permit approvals opens up opportunities for some proposed export projects. If some or all of these projects go forward, Latin America could achieve self-sufficiency and even export large-scale volumes of LNG to Asia and Europe. Join Poten’s LNG webinar series on May 15 as Sergio Chapa, Senior Americas LNG Analyst discusses the growing sophistication of Latin America’s LNG market. Topics: Imports: Regional growth of regasification capacity Imports: Partial, small-scale cargoes dominate Latin American LNG market Imports: Who’s buying LNG and at what prices? Exports: Biden permit possible opportunity for Latin America Exports: Which projects are best positioned to advance? Exploring Latin American LNG marketing strategies: Spot volumes vs long-term contracts – what works best for the region? Insights from Poten’s Latin American market forecasts: What lies ahead for LNG in the region and beyond?

9 AM Houston | 10 AM New York | 3 PM London | 5 PM Athens | 6 PM Doha | 7 PM Dubai | 11 PM Perth/Singapore

  • Sergio Chapa, Senior LNG Analyst Americas
REGISTER for the on-demand webinar here.
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