North American Gas Forum

Washington, DC October 2-4, 2016 Park Hyatt Washington The North American Gas Forum provides unrivaled opportunity to engage with senior-level industry executive, natural gas suppliers and buyers, regulators, policy makers and members of Congress. The forum takes place each year to develop crucial industry dialogue and facilitate natural gas advocacy work. October 4 2:15 pm Majed Limam, Senior Consultant LNG & Natural Gas, Poten & Partners Opportunities For Small and Mid-Scale LNG Development, New Buyers’ Markets, Supply-Demand Perspectives, Innovation and Technology – Match-makers – where will US LNG meet buyers? A spot-light on Latin America, the Caribbean other sources of new LNG demand – Alternative infrastructure opportunities in the Americas, Asia and Europe – floating, small-scale and other ways to connect with buyers, planned FLRUs and other project spotlights – Examining floating liquefaction and re-gas terminal technologies – how much potential is there to un-lock? Is there a trend towards lowered cost and shortened development periods? – How much appetite is there in the financial world for new LNG project lending? How will credit reach new markets? What is the involvement for the World Bank and IFC? – Gas to liquids projects and emerging GTL technologies – Will small-scale projects support the growth of the spot market?
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