Informa LNG/LPG Shipping Conference

London June 27-29, 2016 Kensington Close Hotel June 27 9:45 am: Tom Nash, LPG Consultant and Analyst, Poten & Partners Overview Of Supply And Demand For LPG And Ethane From The US To Europe And Asia – How tight will the markets be for 2016 – 2017? – How fast will it expand 2018/19? – US trade flows to Europe: how much will the market change in Europe? – Shale gas LNG exports from the USA: how will this affect the Ethane and LPG markets? June 28 11:15 am: Amokeye Adede, LNG Analyst, Poten & Partners What Are The Trends For The LNG Trade Patterns Going Forward? – General shift to spot trading from long term contracts, and how are the markets changing? – Pricing analysis and future forecast – Uncertainty about the future trade pattern – How can shipowners and charterers works together to reduce risks?  
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