
What’s New

Jessica Lampi

A Brave New World?

Jessica Lampi

November 6, 2020

Trends in long term oil demand can have a profound impact on the tanker market.

In October, three…

Jessica Lampi

Letting it All Out

Jessica Lampi

October 30, 2020

Libyan oil is hitting an oversupplied market

We last discussed Libya in our Weekly Opinion a little over…

Jessica Lampi

Navigating an Uneven Recovery

Jessica Lampi

October 23, 2020

Covid-19 creates diverging paths for product demand

When analyzing demand prospects for product tankers, analysts take into account…

Erik Broekhuizen

Supply Side Savior?

Erik Broekhuizen

16 Oct 2020:Can low ordering and increased scrapping revive the tanker
The tanker market appears to be in…

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