S&P Global Platts: Gas flows to US LNG plants drop amid power outages in Texas, region
February 18, 2021
Market observers said there was little indication that the Arctic conditions would lead to sustained disruptions of…
S&P Global Platts: Arctic blast disrupts operations on US pipelines, LNG terminals
February 16, 2021
Market observers expected the Gulf Coast LNG plants to bounce back quickly as long as…
Natural Gas Intelligence: LNG Loading Disrupted as Weather Continues to Upend U.S. Export Operations
February 17, 2021
“I think these outages would have to be prolonged” to see any meaningful increases in European or…
Hellenic Shipping News: GLOBAL-LNG-Asian prices fall on lower heating demand
February 15, 2021
U.S. vessels that were redirected to Asia amid the winter cold spell may start flowing to Europe…
Reuters: GLOBAL-LNG-Asian prices fall on lower heating demand
February 12, 2021
U.S. vessels that were redirected to Asia amid the winter cold spell may start flowing to Europe…
Texas in Turmoil
February 19, 2021
What are the implications of the ice storm for U.S. energy?
Extreme winter weather in Texas has disrupted…
TradeWinds News: Rate rethink needed as economic lifespan of LNG carriers shrinks, Poten says
February 10, 2021
Charterers need to support rates for LNG carriers as their economic lifetime changes or risk a lack…
Lloyd’s List: LNG shipping hears restocking will cushion it from summer lows
February 10, 2021
Restocking will prevent rates from falling to levels seen in previous years, according to Poten’s head…