Lloyd’s List: VLCCs Benefit as Shortage in West’s Refining Capacity Bites
“Lloyd’s List based this article on Poten’s recent tanker market opinion. “A lack of fresh refining capacity in the…
OPEC’s website (www.opec.org) has a lot of interesting information on its plans to expand…
Oil & Gas Journal: LNG’s Future: Promise, Peril
“Oil & Gas Journal quoted Poten & Partners research in this article on the LNG industry. “A recent study…
Anchorage Daily News: Alaska Highway Gas Line Will Make the Most Money
“Anchorage Daily News quoted Poten research in this article on the Alaskan Gas Line. ‘One of of the world’s…
Brazil– Heavy, but Sweet
Brazil is South America’s largest nation occupying more than half of the continent…
Tanker Prospects
Poten & Partners is pleased to announce the publication of Tanker Prospects (2006 -…
Bloomberg: Western Australia’s Condensate Output May Rise 40% By 2014
“Bloomberg quotes Colin Shelley, a U.K. based consultant at Poten & Partners in this article on Western Australia’s Condensate…
Bloomberg: Million-Barrel-Tanker Rates Rise On Bosporus Delays
“Poten & Partners reported that oil shipping costs for tankers able to haul 1 million barrels have risen to…
Suezmax Rates Surging
With tanker rates across all sectors currently at levels well above long-term averages,…