Tradewinds: Bear Stearns to Buy MC Shipping
“Tradewinds reported that Bear Stearns has made a $284 million all cash offer for MC Shipping. At $14.25 per…
Lloyd’s List: VLGCs Fail to Fire as Sector Flops
“Lloyd’s List reported that “in the first six months of this year, VLGCs have earned less than their smaller…
IQPC 8th Annual LNG Contracts, Trading and Pricing Conference
London: 11 Jul – 12 Jul 2007
Theo Oerlemans, Senior Advisor, Poten & Partners Inc., will be chairing this conference…
High Stakes Energy Poker(July 6, 2007)
Posturing and jockeying recently by supply-side energy market players created what some might construe as a high stakes game…
Get ‘Em While They’re Hot
Although it is only the first official week of summer, the time charter market is already hot. Over the…
Coming to Consensus
During the past week, Marine Money and JP Morgan presented the 20th Annual Marine Money Week in New York….
Bloomberg: Caribbean Tanker Rates Are Unchanged Amid High Oil Inventories
“Amid high oil inventories and lower refinery utilization rates, the rates to ship crude oil from the Caribbean basin…
Down to the Sea in Ships
It is generally agreed that the quality of petroleum shipping has improved greatly in recent years due to tanker…
The Sunday Times: Cooking with Gas: BG Keeps Growing
“The Sunday Times described BG’s success in recent years. “Since the sleepy old British Gas was split up through…
In The Public Eye
As the stock markets in the United States continue on their bull run, tanker equities are no exception. With…