Under Pressure
In anticipation of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) meeting next week,…
Calm Before The Storm?
As this week marks the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, residents of the…
Middle East LPG in the Global Marketplace
Doha, Qatar: 3 Sep – 4 Sep 2007
Colin Shelley, general manager of liquefied petroleum gas consulting at Poten &…
Sizing Up Summer’s End
For the past several weeks the spot freight market has been experiencing weaknesses….
Ever Volatile Times
Life has always been volatile in the tanker industry. While market participants are accustomed to long-term changes in rates,…
Bloomberg: Persian Gulf Tanker Rates May Extend Drop on Supply, Oil Price
“Bloomberg reported that “the cost of shipping Middle East oil to Asia . . . may fall for a…
Outpacing Energy Demand
With the need to transport crude oil growing yearly, tanker owners have correspondingly…
Marine Log: Bear Stearns to Buy MC Shipping
“Marine Log reported that “MC Shipping Inc. (AMEX:MCX ) and Bear Stearns Merchant Banking (“BSMB”) announced today the signing…
Tradewinds: Bear Stearns to Buy MC Shipping
“Tradewinds reported that Bear Stearns has made a $284 million all cash offer for MC Shipping. At $14.25 per…