
What’s New

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Dieselizing the USA

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As US motorists continue to cope with their gasoline addiction, some are being lured to a different designer fuel…
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Asphalt Weekly Monitor

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  • NuStar Energy completes CITGO asset acquisition.
  • Most East Coast retail prices stable; although, some increases noted in Virginia.
  • Midwest areas racked…
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Bill Me Later

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The past couple of weeks have been quite tumultuous in the United States financial markets. The wild ride was…
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Asphalt Weekly Monitor

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  • CONEXPO 2008 Exposition reportedly well attended in Las Vegas.
  • East Coast retail prices reported at higher levels in the south.
  • Midwest…
IT Admin

Asphalt Weekly Monitor

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  • East Coast selling price assessments rise in some markets.
  • Rack prices assessed higher in parts of the Midwest.
  • Midwest barges remain…
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Asphalt Weekly Monitor

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  • East Coast wholesale markets report export sales.
  • East Coast selling price assessments rise in the Mid-Atlantic and points south.
  • Several suppliers…
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Supremely Safe Sailing

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The Alaskan crude oil spill in 1989 that spawned the era of double-hulled tankers has also embroiled ExxonMobil in…
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Asphalt Weekly Monitor

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  • Winter rack activity remains dull — but suppliers raise prices in some areas.
  • Alon’s Big Spring, Texas refinery has explosion…
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