The Mean Clean Streets
A year ago, United States gasoline stocks had reached a 15 year high at over 235 million bbls in…
Bloomberg: LNG Tanker Rates Fall 17% on Increase in New Vessels
“Charter rates for liquefied natural gas tankers on short-term hauls declined 17 per cent last year because of an…
Lloyd’s List: LNG Charter Rates Come Under Further Pressure
“Quoting from a recent report published by Poten’s LNG Commercial Department, Lloyd’s List reported on 2008 LNG charter rates….
Transportweekly: Baltic Dry Index Posted its Third Consecutive Week’s Drop
“The Baltic Dry Index, a measure of shipping costs for commodities, posted its third consecutive week’s drop on March…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- Wholesale markets were steady in most US markets.
- Some Gulf Coast asphalt rack price ranges decreased.
- Petro-Canada postpones its Montreal refinery…
In For the Long-Haul
The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) will hold their 152nd meeting in Vienna, Austria on Sunday to discuss…
Petroleum Economist: The Tide Turns for Tanker Sector
“Lower oil prices and the economic downturn make the outlook less certain for tanker owners, but shipbuilders still have…
El Diario: Asphalt Needed for New Highways
“El Diario reported that there may not be sufficient asphalt in Mexico to meet demand for 2009 road infrastructure…
Portworld: ExxonMobil Brings Positive News for Tanker Owners
“Portworld referred to Poten’s annual tanker statistical abstract and reported that “ExxonMobil was the second biggest spot VLCC charterer…