Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- Some Florida locations were reported at higher levels this week.
- Wholesale asphalt prices moved higher in Gulf Coast and East…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- Some East Coast locations reported modestly lower retail selling prices this week.
- Wholesale asphalt prices move higher in all of…
The Big Picture: 2009 BP Statistical Review of World Energy
In the Statistical Review of World Energy 2009, BP provides a long term…
Hope Floats
Crude oil has never proven to be a dull commodity especially for those entangled in its web of commerce….
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast retail prices increase sharply in Connecticut.
- Retail prices go higher in some US markets but stagnate in others.
- Midwest…
Tradewinds: Shaping Shipping Through Recession
“As everyone in shipping battles to adapt to the shock of the global financial crisis and the ensuing recession,…
Prosperity – Not Austerity
After making a quiet entrance into President Obama’s cabinet, Steven Chu, the new US Energy Secretary has found himself…
Strength in Numbers
Making predictions about the direction of tanker rates is easy; getting it correct is the real challenge. Drawing on…
Back Behind The Wheel
Memorial Day weekend in the United States signifies to most the unofficial start…