
What’s New

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IBC’s 5th Annual FLNG

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London: 27 Oct – 30 Oct 2009 Graham Hartnell, Manager of Poten’s LNG & Gas Consulting team in London will…
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Asphalt Weekly Monitor

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  • East Coast retail prices mostly stable – but lower in parts of New England and Florida.
  • Midwest Market prices were…
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Barrels Bound East

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The rapid growth of China’s oil demand has forced a transition from self-sufficiency enjoyed in the early 1990s toward…
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Asphalt Weekly Monitor

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  • East Coast retail prices declined in most markets this week.
  • Midwest retail and wholesale prices were steady and activity was…
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Polar Express

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Last month, retreating sea ice allowed two multipurpose heavy‐lift project carriers to complete a…
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Asphalt Weekly Monitor

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  • North East Asphalt User-Producer Group holds Annual Meeting in South Portland, Maine.
  • Vitol to purchase 100% stake in SemGroup Energy…
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A Farewell Contango?

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The storage of crude oil and petroleum products at sea has been an important factor in the tanker market…
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