Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- Rack activity limited in the US during this pre-Memorial Day holiday week.
- East Coast racks steady in most markets—but Atlanta…
Far Eastern Exports?
A surge in production coinciding with Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) cuts allowed Russia to briefly assume the…
Lloyd’s List: Kozimo Exports Pass 1m Tonnes Per Month
“Russia’s newest oil export terminal, Kozmino on the far eastern coast, is shipping out more than 1m tonnes per…
Wall Street Journal: Ahead of the Tape
“And while 73 new vessels are scheduled for delivery this year, according to New York-based ship broker Poten &…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast racks steady in most markets—minor slippage in a few locations.
- Wholesale prices on the East Coast mostly unchanged—some…
It’s All Greek To Me
As Greece’s debt problems have blossomed from a national concern into a near existential threat to the European monetary…
Let the Finger Pointing Begin!
The effort to stop the gushing oil well 5,000 feet below sea level in the Gulf of Mexico has…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast racks declined in many areas this week.
- Some East Coast wholesale price ranges declined or narrowed this week.
- Midwest…
Seatrade: Winds of Change
“The future of the tanker market continues to be uncertain as tonnage oversupply takes on Chinese demand . ….
Lloyd’s List: Aframax Owners Hope for Rates Hike in Caribbean
“The Baltic Exchange TD9 route, shipping 70,000 tonne crude cargoes from Puerto La Cruz to Corpus Christi, rose yesterday…