Seatrade Asia: VLCC Rates at 5 Month High on Higher Demand from Asia
“VLCC rates at 5 month high on higher demand from Asia. It is reported that Asian demand has helped…
Athens News: The World at Their Fleet
“The Greek tanker fleet has strengthened its position in the world’s oceans. It currently represents almost a fifth of…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast rack price ranges narrowed in some NY and PA markets – steady elsewhere
- East Coast wholesale prices were…
Sustainable Demand
The rally which has brought VLCC earnings on the Arabian Gulf – Far…
Taking the Long View
As the company deals with an array of short-term challenges related to the disastrous oil spill in the U.S….
Tradewinds: Power 100 – The Most Influential People in Shipping Today
“Michael D. Tusiani, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Poten & Partners, was profiled in Tradewinds as one of…
Platts: Osaka Gas Chief Rules out Japanese LNG Spot Market for Near Term
“Japan’s second-largest city gas supplier, Osaka Gas, doesn’t expect a spot LNG market to develop in Tokyo in the…
Taiwan News: Chinese Demand for Crude Oil Tankers Rises 42 Percent
“China imported 21.17 million metric tons of crude oil in April, 31 percent more than the same month last…
Drilling Deep
While it has been evident for weeks that the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is a transformative event for the…
Tradewinds: Top of the Tanker Tree
“A switch in emphasis from expanding through the secondhand sale-and-purchase (S&P) market to investing heavily in newbuildings over the…