Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast asphalt retail prices decline slightly in many areas.
- East Coast flux retail and barge prices hold steady –…
Tradewinds: Time to be Creative
“Shipowners accepting VLCC newbuildings this year may need to think outside the box along with their accountant as spot…
North Jersey: Potholes Stretch North Jersey Budgets
“Potholes tore up local streets following the harsh winter, and now they are adding an expense to municipalities already…
The Mid-Continental Divide
A recent pipeline spill into Montana’s Yellowstone River has added fuel to the fire surrounding the TransCanada Keystone pipeline…
Fairplay: Poten Predicts Surge Seen in Indian Clean Exports
“India’s gradual removal of price controls could raise demand for its clean products, along with improving quality, according to…
In-dia for the Long Haul
The high crude oil price environment seen in 2011 has raised concern that inflationary pressure could interfere with the…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast asphalt retail prices lower in some Mid-Atlantic markets.
- Gulf Coast asphalt barge prices move lower this week –…
Wall Street Journal: Lackluster Oil Demand Calls Into Question IEA Motives
“Traders have been left questioning the International Energy Agency’s motives for its emergency stock release this month as demand…
Uncle Sam Slight of Hand
The move this week by President Obama and his administration to release Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) crude oil should…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast asphalt and flux retail prices mostly flat, with some narrowed or lower ranges.
- Midwest wholesale prices decline—some retail…