Seatrade Maritime News: Supply and demand uncertainties plague oil market
August 26, 2024
Meanwhile, Poten notes that more non-OPEC production has come on stream since the…
Multitasking In The Desert
Saudi Arabia also plays a major role in the product trades
Saudi Arabia is a powerhouse…
LNG in World Markets: Taipower Seeks Terminal Capacity
This current feature was extracted from the latest edition of Poten’s LNG…
Lloyd’s List: Panama Canal delays have ‘moderate’ effect on LNG carrier rates
August 17, 2023
DELAYS transiting the Panama Canal are expected to have a “moderate” effect on…
LNG in World Markets: 1H 2023 Contracting Pace Slows
This current feature was extracted from the latest edition of Poten’s LNG…
TradeWinds News: What price LNG shipping this winter?
August 17, 2023
Poten & Partners is forecasting slightly lower levels of gas storage for the…
LPG Market Outlook: Growth in 2025 Driven by Northeast Asia and the US
This current feature was extracted from the latest edition of Poten’s
Nasdaq: Tellurian may take first six months of Driftwood LNG cargoes
August 14, 2023
Jason Feer, head of Business Intelligence at LNG shipping and brokering firm Poten…
Transatlantic Balancing Act
August 11, 2023
Did the Ukraine war change transatlantic product flows?
The transatlantic…
TradeWinds News: Over 60 million tonnes of new US LNG capacity could be greenlighted in 2023
August 9, 2023
Speaking on a webinar, Poten & Partners global head of business intelligence Jason…