Bloomberg: U.S. Beating Russia in Diesel Shipments Boosts Tankers: Freight
“The U.S. is poised to overtake Russia as the world’s biggest exporter of diesel and heating oil for the…
Oversupplied Suezmaxes Fight for Market Share
Facing rapid fleet growth and limited organic volume from its traditional load regions, Suezmaxes have had to fight for…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- Prices ease lower in some East Coast retail locations.
- East Coast wholesale asphalt prices mixed for the week.
- East Coast retail…
Bloomberg: Mexico Favoring Asia in Oil Seen Adding to Crude Tanker Demand
“Rising Mexican crude oil exports to Asia are helping to boost demand for oil tankers because of the distances…
Fairplay: PEMEX Stabilises Production
“PEMEX has halted its production slide and is spurring more long-haul tanker business, according to Poten & Partners. In…
Mexican Oil Production Stabilises
Mexico’s state oil monopoly, Pemex, announced today that the company produced 2.550 mbpd of crude oil in August, compared…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- A few East Coast retail locations have slightly lower price ranges.
- East Coast wholesale asphalt prices move higher.
- East Coast retail…
Upstream: Gas Energy, Poten Pairing Up on LNG
“Brazilian consultancy Gas Energy has signed a ‘strategic partnership’ with Poten Plural, an arm of global natural gas specialist…
Valor Econômico (Brazil): Gas Energy Partners with Poten Plural
“Gas Energy has partnered with Poten Plural, a joint venture between Plural bank and Poten & Partners, a global…
Rising Oil Market Uncertainty Surrounds Tanker Market
The recent Oil Market Report (OMR) from the International Energy Agency (IEA) was unremarkable in its lack of revisions…