Papua New Guinea Aims for More Supply in Mid-2020s
20 March 2018:
Papua New Guinea will expand its role as a vital LNG supply source in the Asia…
Looks Familiar?
16 Mar 2018;
The expression “history repeats itself” is very appropriate in the shipping markets. Seasonality and market cycles usually…
Trinidad & Tobago NEWSDAY: Govt going after ‘pockets of gas’
15 March 2018: “We are leaking revenue largely because of transfer pricing issue and the nature of the Atlantic…
Trinidad & Tobago Guardian: All must benefit from T&T’s riches
15 March 2018: “It is against that understanding that we have worked for the last year and a half…
Trinidad Express: LNG returns ‘relatively poor’
14 March 2018: “That report—which is dated September 2015, the month of T&T’s last general elections—was prepared by Poten…
LNG Business Training: Liquefaction Projects – A North America Focus session 2
Houston, TX
January 24 – 26, 2018
Instructors: Chris Rumley, Doug Brown, Ilmars Kerber, Mike Reimers.
The course provided a grounding in…
Trinidad and Tobago Guardian: The energy sector as a development metaphor
8 March 2018: “This improvement in gas supply is no cause for celebration. Current production models demonstrate that this…
Fog delays to hit US exports in February
13 March 2018:
February has seen the return of sea fog at the Houston Ship Channel and along the…
Favorable Winds Ahead
9-Mar-2018: The overall tone of “Oil 2018”, the latest IEA annual forecast of global oil demand, supply, refining and trade…
Gulf Times: US gas exports have perfect timing as glut seen fading
07 March 2018: “That creates a risk there won’t be enough LNG on the market to meet demand, according…