
What’s New

Erik Broekhuizen

Record Refining Runs

Erik Broekhuizen

3 Aug 2018; 

In their latest weekly petroleum report, the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) noted that U.S. refineries are…

Erik Broekhuizen

Saudi Surrounded

Erik Broekhuizen

27 Jul 2018; 

On Wednesday, July 25, Yemeni Houthi militia attacked two Saudi VLCCs after they passed through the Bab…

Erik Broekhuizen

To Scrap or to Scrub?

Erik Broekhuizen

20 Jul 2018; 

Tanker scrapping has been on an upswing this year and in a recent interview, an executive from…

Erik Broekhuizen

Trade Flows in Flux

Erik Broekhuizen

13 Jul 2018; 

For today’s weekly opinion we decided to take a look at almost 5 years of crude oil…

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