Upstream Online: OPINION: LNG on road to recovery, or bridge to nowhere?
June 24, 2020
Poten & Partners estimates more than $8 billion was pledged during May to Nigeria LNG Train 7…
Upstream Online: US could be losing its edge in LNG market, analyst says
TradeWinds: LNG floating storage goes global but fails to move rates, Poten says
June 24, 2020
Floating storage of LNG is ramping up worldwide to record levels but is not moving…
Natural Gas Intel: Optimism Waning for Steady LNG Demand Recovery, Poten Says
June 24th, 2020
Meanwhile, Chinese demand has rebounded sharply in recent months as lockdown measures largely eased there and pent-up consumer…
S&P Global Platts: Global gas prices teeter above record lows on virus optimism, weather
June 24th, 2020
Without a strong recovery in global economic activity, LNG demand will take some time to recover, reflecting…
Yahoo! Finance: Natural Gas Price Fundamental Daily Forecast – LNG Industrial Demand Remains Weak in Key Markets
June 24, 2020
“The chances for a sustained recovery in global natural gas demand are being threatened by economies that…
Bloomberg News: LNG Buyers Seen Rejecting Fewer U.S. Cargoes as Prices Rise
June 22, 2020
It is only from September 2021 that significant positive cash margins reemerge, but even with expected neutral…
Natural Gas Intel: LNG Recap: U.S. Feed Gas Deliveries Rebound, but More Cargo Cancellations Likely
June 22, 2020
Last month, shipbroker Poten & Partners said 130 U.S. cargoes would be canceled between May and October, including…
Over A Barrel
June 19, 2020
Sanctions against Venezuela are tightening
The situation in Venezuela is going from bad to worse. A recent article…
Natural Gas Intel: Chevron Planning to Sell Stake in Australia’s North West Shelf LNG Facility
June 18, 2020
While LNG demand is forecast to continue growing, the energy market has also been roiled by the…