Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- Most East Coast retail prices steady, with a few areas weakening.
- East Coast wholesale asphalt prices unchanged.
- East Coast and Gulf…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- The Asphalt Institute held their Summer Annual Meeting in Calgary, BC this week.
- Most East Coast retail and wholesale asphalt…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- Most East Coast retail and wholesale asphalt prices decline in many areas.
- East Coast and Gulf Coast flux retail and…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast retail asphalt move lower in many areas.
- East Coast wholesale asphalt and flux prices unchanged.
- Midwest retail markets go…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast retail asphalt move lower in some locations.
- East Coast wholesale asphalt prices decrease for FOB movements- CIF prices…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast retail asphalt move lower in many southern locations.
- East Coast wholesale asphalt and flux market prices steadfast.
- Midwest retail…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast retail asphalt and flux prices move lower in in many locations.
- East Coast wholesale asphalt and flux market…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast retail asphalt prices slip lower in in some northern locations.
- East Coast wholesale asphalt market prices weaken in…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- Spot Western Canadian Select (WCS) discounts slipped to about $19 below July WTI.
- Bitumar Enters into Through-put Agreement with Hudson…
Asphalt Weekly Monitor
- East Coast asphalt prices mostly steady – lower in some areas.
- East Coast wholesale asphalt market quiet, with prices unchanged.
- Midwest…