Bloomberg: U.S. Shale Gas Shaking Up Global Markets as LNG Supply Surges
28 July 2016: “In emerging markets, smaller and cheaper floating import vessels have become popular. They cost $200 million…
Bloomberg: America’s Shale Gas Heads to East Asia for First Time
27 July 2016: “Cheniere’s marketing unit has contracts to supply gas from the company’s first liquefaction plant to Japan’s…
Maritime Professional: Turkey’s Role For The Tanker Market
25 July 2016: “Even though the coup attempt in Turkey failed and the transportation situation normalized quickly thereafter, Poten…
MarineLink: Turkey’s Role For The Tanker Market
25 July 2016: ” Even though the coup attempt in Turkey failed and the transportation situation normalized quickly thereafter,…
LNG World News: Curacao Eyes Construction of LNG Import Terminal
22 July 2016: “According to the RfP issued by the consultancy Poten & Partners which is advising on the…
Tradewinds: Curacao Goes To Market For LNG FSRU Solution
21 July 2016: “In a request for proposals, domestic refiner Refineria di Korsou (RdK) invited companies to submit offers…
Argus: Curacao Looks To Import LNG, Upgrade Refinery
21 July 2016: “The Curacao government-controlled refinery company RdK was scheduled to receive proposals at the end of June…
Turkish Maritime: First LNG to Pass Through Expanded Panama Canal Will Be American
20 July 2016: “‘The fact that three companies have booked passage means that it’s viable and it’s working more…
Bloomberg: American Gas Will Be First To Pass Through Expanded Panama Canal
19 July 2016: “‘The fact that three companies have booked passage means that it’s viable and it’s working more…
Hellenic Shipping News: Poten and Partners: Slippery Orders
18 July 2016: “The situation of the shipyards in the world and in particular the struggles of the Korean shipbuilding…