Trinidad & Tobago Guardian: Parliament examining gas master plan
16 June 2017: “The plan has been in the works since November 2014 when the Energy Ministry,under the former…
Maritime Executive: IEA: Qatar Sanctions May Affect Tanker Loadings
14 June 2017: “According to Tanker Shipping and Trade, brokerage firm Poten & Partners predicts that aside from a…
TradeWinds : BP stung for steep LNG charter rate
14 June 2017: “In its weekly LNG shipping opinion, Poten & Partners described the Qatari situation as “an isolated…
World Maritime News: Poten & Partners: Smaller Tankers Likely to Benefit from Qatar Crisis?
13 Jun 2017: “If crude oil vessels from Qatar are banned from entering neighboring countries’ ports, it could have…
Oil & Gas News: LNG exports hold promise for US shale gas producers
12 Jun 2017: “Overall, Sabine Pass operator Cheniere Energy is now the largest consumer of natural gas in the…
Splash 24/7: Little Change to Tanker Crude Market From Qatar Crisis from Qatar Crisis – Poten
11 June 2017: “New York tanker broker Poten’s latest weekly report suggests the crude tanker impact from the current…
Madison: Why LNG Transport Firms’ Stock Prices Sank in May
9 Jun 2017: “According to research group and shipbroker Poten & Partners, there is a surplus of about 20…
TradeWinds: Poten duo urge Trump to push energy exports outside of Gulf
9 June 2017: ”
Michael Tusiani and Gordon Shearer say White House should provide funding for Gulf ports and…
Bloomberg: The Natural Gas Boom Could Snarl Traffic at One of America’s Busiest Ports
9 June 2017: “But as more cargoes of liquefied natural gas and petrochemicals head across the globe from newly…
Hellenic Shipping News: LNG market could get worse before it gets better
9 June 2017: ” “Basically, we don’t see people covering all of their liquefaction costs,” said Jason Feer, head…