Ship & Bunker: Scrapping Still Believe to Be a Key Driver Toward Market Balance: Poten & Partners
5 February 2018: “The latest edition of Tanker Opinions, published by the Tanker Research & Consulting department at Poten…
Reuters: Next-wave LNG terminals get smaller to offer flexible supply deals
5 February 2018: ““The issue that everybody is wrestling with is, does that really save you money?” said Jason…
Boston 25 News: Imported gas to help power Boston homes this winter
28 January 2018: “The fact that there’s a Russian cargo would seem to indicate that the buyer was willing…
Bloomberg: As Siberian Gas Awaits U.S. Landing, a Second Ship May Be Coming
26 January 2018: ‘ “Boston needs it because there are constraints on pipeline capacity from the Gulf Coast to the…
Loop TT: CNC calls for independent audit into NGC’s profit margin
25 January 2018: “CNC said it would be willing to work with Poten Partners or another third party and…
Bloomberg: Qatar Passes First Test in LNG Expansion. Now Partners Can Join
24 January 2018: “Qatar ended 2017 with LNG exports slightly above its 77 million ton annual capacity, mirroring levels…
Oil and Gas Investor: Last Mile Is Key To Global LNG Growth
22 January 2018: “At a recent market outlook by Haynes and Boone LLP, presenters from that law firm as well…
Kallanish Energy: Second vessel carrying Russian LNG may be on way to U.S.
19 January 2018: ‘ “Boston needs it because there are constraints on pipeline capacity from the Gulf Coast to…
Natural Gas World: What does the future hold for LNG financing?
17 January 2018: “Historically, oil has been the principal index on which long-term LNG contracts into Asia have been…
Splash 24/7: Gas prospects finally bright
16 January 2018: “Brokers Poten & Partners believe that LNG freight rates in 2019 will rise above levels seen…