The Maritime Executive: COVID-19 Downturn Arrives for LNG Terminals
31 May 2020
Heavily-oversupplied European gas markets and high storage utilization mean that EU hub indices are now trading in…
The Wall Street Journal: Natural Gas Is Losing Its Shine for Ship Operators
31 May 2020
Jason Feer, head of business intelligence at energy broker Poten & Partners Inc., told an energy webinar…
Natural Gas Intel: U.S. LNG Said Taking ‘New Role of Swing Supplier’
28 May 2020
The world is awash in LNG as demand has fallen from the pandemic. European benchmark prices have… Europe’s Gas Glut Could Hit Global LNG Market Hard
27 May 2020
Certain insiders, however, predict a less gloomy future. According to Jason Feer, global head…
Natural Gas Intel: Kinder Morgan Restarting Elba Island LNG Units Impacted by Fire
May 22, 2020
The outages at Elba come as feed gas deliveries to U.S. export facilities have fallen significantly and…
Natural Gas Intel: Appalachia Leads Gains for Natural Gas Forwards as Producer Curbs Output, but LNG Concerns Mount
May 22, 2020
With the May 20 deadline for July cancellations in the rearview mirror, estimates on the number of… Natural Gas’ Emerging Challenge: Triple-Digit Builds Amid Mild Weather
May 21, 2020
Global LNG demand by itself is expected to decline by about 11 million metric tons year-over-year from…
S&P Global Platts: NWE gas storage sites could be ‘almost’ full by end-August: Platts Analytics
May 21, 2020
Consultancy Poten & Partners in a recent webinar said storage sites could fill to capacity even by…
Natural Gas Intel: LNG Recap: Feed Gas Deliveries Hit Sustained Lows as Export Economics Still Challenged
May 19, 2020
Twelve U.S. cargoes have been canceled this month while another 33 are expected in June, according to…
TradeWinds News: US LNG cargo cancellations climb with more expected
May 20, 2020
At least 57 US LNG cargoes have been cancelled by buyers and more are expected…