The Washington Post: Diesel Won’t Solve Our Gasoline Woes
“The Washington Post published this article written by Michael D. Tusiani, Chairman and Chief Executive of Poten & Partners….
Oil Price Information Service: Ocean Shipping Costs for Crude Rises on Some Routes
“OPIS quoted Poten & Partners research in this article on tanker rates. “Rates to the U.S. Gulf from the Middle…
Lloyd’s List: Poten & Partners Highlight Need for New Discoveries
“Lloyd’s List based this article on Poten’s recent tanker opinion dated July 8th, 2005. “Declining output of established oil… Value-Laden Crude Carriers
“ quoted Poten & Partners Research in this article on tanker companies. “As a result, says ship broker Poten…
Australian Financial Review: Woodside on Track for Sixth Gas Train
“The Autralian Financial Review quoted Poten LNG research in this article on Woodside’s prospective sixth liquefied natural gas production…
Energy News Record: Market Forces Water Down Impact of High Oil Prices on Paving Costs
“Energy News Record quoted John Coursen, consultant with Poten & Partners, in this article on impact of high oil…
Fairplay: Choke Supply to Raise Prices
“Fairplay quoted Poten research in this article about oil prices. “Poten & Partners issued a report on the US…
Bloomberg: New Ship Prices on the Decline
“Bloomberg quoted Poten research in this article about declining ship prices. “In another report, New York-based shipbroker Poten &…
MEES: Qatar lots new course for Global LNG Shipping Industry
“MEES quoted Francois Khawam of Poten & Partners in this article on Qatar’s LNG projects. “Industry Expert Francois Khawam,…
Intertanko: The Biggest Charterers 2004
“Intertanko based this article on Poten & Partners Market Opinion on the biggest charterers of 2004. “Poten & Partners…